William Morris

William Morris

Age: 22

Location: UK

Study: 4th Year,
Computer Science,
University Of St Andrews

Software development to me is more than just a promising career, it is a passion that I pursue both in my studies and hobbies. I'm fascinated by the impact I can have on the world by contributing to vital technologies. I wish to utilize my skills to collaborate with a team of like-minded people and deliver a high-quality product I am proud I helped shape.

As well as my studies I have been Treasurer of the university's Parkour Society for two years. Within this role, I take on the financial responsibilities of the club and strive to provide an inclusive environment for our members. As well as weekly parkour training sessions, I often train at the gym which has greatly improved my well-being since coming to university.

Following my unsuccessful applications to internships for summer 2024, I wanted to ensure I still had a productive summer. Therefore I focused on cleaning up my CV, building a portfolio of projects and designing this very website. Details about each of my projects can be found on the projects page!